15 January 2010

It's just Ink and a little watercolor

Today I draw two miniature paintings, the first with ink and watercolor, the second only with ink. I like the second one more. Would appreciate your oppinion. Which one is your favourite and why do you prefer it?

ATC No. 16

ATC No. 17


  1. Hallo Julia
    Diese Kombination finde ich sehr schön und sie passt auch super zu alte Gemäuern.

  2. Hallo Julia
    Diese Kombination find ich sehr gelungen und es passt auch sehr gut zu den alten Gemäuern
    LG Alex

  3. Hallo Julia
    Diese Kombination finde ich zu den Ruinen sehr passend

  4. Danke Dir dreimal, Alex.:)

    War da eine Störung?

    L.G. Julia

  5. Oh!
    This is a very difficult question.
    Both paintings are very nice.
    I was torn between the colored one and the inked.
    The colored is a typical watercolor for me.
    The other one is in every detail inked.
    It's impossible for me to decide between these cards.

    Definitely great masterpieces!

    Best wishes

  6. Halle haben Recht. Beide Bilder sind sehr schön und wenn ich male, meine ich auch immer Farbe hinein bringen zu müssen. Wenn ich jedoch ganz ehrlich bin, gefällt mir das zweite Bild besser.
    Liebe Grüße

  7. Both drawings are nice. But my favourite is the second one. Very beautiful. It's looks like a great graphics to me, and perhaps is also more 3D...

    LG, Jona

  8. sorry es war immer weg und ein neues Kodewort. Dachte schon ich kann bei dir nicht schreiben

  9. Oje, das tut mir leid. Das war sicher sehr ärgerlich für Dich. Danke, dass Du es so oft versucht hast.

  10. Thank you Alex, Sladdi, Elsbeth and Jona for your kind comments. It was very interesting for me to read your point of view regarding these drawings. At the Tower, wich was the first, I used Pencil, than the Inkpen and after that I painted the watercolor.

    The second one I directly draw with inkpen. Perhaps this is the reason, why it looks a bit cleaner.

    Thank you very much!

  11. Hello,

    nice to see you're back. Wasn't able to reach your blog for some time. I really like your new blog layout.
    Looking forward to see new paintings from you.

    LG, Jona
